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Vaibhav Kesarwani
Machine Learning Engineer

Vaibhav Kesarwani is a Machine Learning (ML) Engineer with a focus on Natural Language Processing (NLP) at Novacene. As an ML and NLP specialist, Vaibhav is a key contributor in the research and development of ML models for prediction, classification, and semantic analysis of text data.

Vaibhav is passionate about exploring new technologies and building resilient cloud-based AI-powered applications. Vaibhav joined Novacene heading up NLP research and development initiatives, and he is a major contributor to the company’s NLP toolset.

Some of Vaibhav’s contributions include clustering algorithms to categorize open-ended text and social media posts, semantic search solutions, and a summarizer algorithm that uses Natural Language Generation (NLG) to describe text with humanlike expressions.

Vaibhav completed his Master of Computer Science from the University of Ottawa with a thesis on metaphor detection in natural language.


Tanasescu, Chris, Vaibhav Kesarwani and Diana Inkpen. “Metaphor Detection by Deep Learning and the Place of Poetic Metaphor in Digital Humanities.” FLAIRS Conference (2018).

Kesarwani, Vaibhav, Diana Inkpen, Stan Szpakowicz and Chris Tanasescu. “Metaphor Detection in a Poetry Corpus.” LaTeCH@ACL (2017).